Companies are in business for profit, and as such, many try to monopolize the market - very anti-consumer! So which web-host can you trust? In my search I found...
Companies are in business for profit, and as such, many try to monopolize the market - very anti-consumer! So which web-host can you trust? In my search I found...
Even if you are not a designer, you have to admit monthly bills irks your last nerve… but paying for something you previously had unfettered access to can really send you over the edge!
Heck no! ...well... only if you're selling a product... service... or have a noble cause or need a blog or online portfolio - you know what? I'll change my answer, you likely do need one...
Graphic design is a form of communication and last thing you want is for your company, group or event to be communicating in 'broken English'.
This client (K.E.U.S.) has an interesting business… Ship Chandlery; they basically ship goods (food) or other needed items to those who work offshore.
A longtime client of mine had a new beverage that needed some more visibility on the market. Makeshift labels made with scotch tape was just not an option anymore. I took up the assignment and created a colour palette that reflected the organic nature of the product and still had that pop of colour so […]
She wanted the design cut out of wrought iron... The hardest part is not getting frustrated at the complexity of it all...
The photo was an extremely low resolution. An automated “image trace” just won’t work in cases like these...
In this fast paced world clients usually come to you in a frantic state telling you that they have a deadline in 1 or 2 days... There are times when I personally had to work through the whole night to deliver the finished product by 8am!
Suppose I gave you an Apple, if you decide to think of it as a Pear… does that change the fact that it’s an apple you’re holding? No. The properties that make up that particular fruit are still there. It is what it is.